
Working Safely


The collective staff of NGU, SEC, and TNRMT want to thank you, the TNRMT Members, for working so hard to improve the safety of your workplace. We’ve seen real improvements in safety with several members over the last several months, and we are excited to see that continue. Safety must continue to be a #1 priority for each and every one of us, whether at work or at home!

It is always a good idea to review some common sense safety precautions once or twice a year. Listed below you will find some safety tips and suggestions to help ensure not only your safety but the safety of your co-workers as well. These common sense safety tips are also great to “take home” with you.

Back Injury Prevention

Use proper Lifting Techniques:Squat close to the object
Bend your knees
Hold object close to body
Keep back straight
Lift with your legs, not with your back
Before lifting an object, ask for help if it is needed
Use carts and dollies to move objects
Do not overload boxes and trash cans (If you can’t lift it, don’t expect someone else to!)
Chemical Safety

Know where your SDS (Safety Data Sheets) are located
Make sure all chemicals are labeled
Read labels on all chemical products and do not mix chemicals\
Do not bring in your own household cleaners
Only trained employees should use chemicals
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Make sure you are wearing the right PPE for the job
Make sure you know how to wear your proper safety gear (Make sure they are available and easy to find)Safety Glasses: Mowing, weed eating, mixing chemicals and any job with flying debris
Gloves: Using chemicals, working with sharp objects and any blood borne pathogens exposure
Proper Footwear: Non-slip shoes for stripping and cleaning floor and good work boots for outdoor work
Ear Protection: Ear plugs when working around any machinery or equipment
If you are not sure of the right PPE ask your supervisor
Electrical Work

Make sure if electrical work is being done that lockout/tagout is being used to ensure isolation of energy. Only trained individuals should perform this task.
Make sure you are using extension cords that are not damaged and have a GFCI built in.
Make sure all machine guards are in place, and only use machines if you have been properly trained.
If all of us were on a constant look out for hazards and corrected them when we saw them, we would greatly reduce the chances of anyone being injured. If you observe a possible hazard in your workplace, please take action! Correct the situation if possible or alert your supervisor immediately so the problem can be fixed. It will take each and every one of us doing our part to ensure that we all go home safely at the end of the day.

We must all work together as a team to achieve our safety goals in the workplace. Employees at all levels should take responsibility and initiative for improving safety. Successful safety efforts can change the culture of your workplace. If you have any suggestions or questions, please do not hesitate to contact your supervisor or loss control consultant. The risk management team looks forward to working with everyone in order to improve safety in the workplace. Your willingness to work with us is greatly appreciated. If you would like to schedule safety training or have any safety concerns please feel free to contact the loss control team at either one of the numbers below. We hope you all have a great and safe year.

Call your loss control consultant with questions on this or any other safety topic:

East TN:
Jason Baggett – (865) 850-4995

Middle TN:
Chris Stites – (615) 289-4101

West TN:
Mark Bilyeu – (615) 210-7827