Our Unique Program

An Overview

The Tennessee Risk Management Trust (TNRMT) is a member owned pool, created specifically for public entities in Tennessee. Only public entities in Tennessee are eligible to become members by participation in the pool. Because of our membership requirements, the major factor in establishing rates and premiums is member loss experience; not differing types of losses that occur across differing sectors in differing cost areas like traditional insurance products or some of our other competitors. This, along with lower overhead compared to traditional insurance companies or some of our other competitors, is a major reason our cost is both stable and competitive.

Our Unique Program

Participating members of TNRMT agree to both the TNRMT Intergovernmental Agreement and the TNRMT Coverage Document. The primary goal of the Intergovernmental Agreement is to establish an organization of governmental entities for purposes of collective bargaining with respect to the purchase of insurance coverages (see TCA 29-20-407 for details). The primary goal of the Coverage Document is like any other insurance coverage document, which is to set forth the agreed upon coverage agreements, terms, conditions, and definitions of coverage, in this case coverages provided by TNRMT to its members.

The program that we offer includes the following available coverages:

Property Coverage: All Risk Replacement Cost

Comprehensive General Liability, including General Liability, Personal Injury, Law Enforcement Liability

School Board and Public Officials Errors and Omissions

Employee Benefits Liability

Automobile Liability


Cyber Liability

Athletics and Student Accident Liability

Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability