
TNRMT’s COVID-19 Response

The COVID 19 pandemic and the necessary response to it has disrupted our lives, our businesses, our schools, and our government. Hopefully the next few weeks will prove that the efforts to date such as self-quarantine, social distancing, closing of schools, restaurants, and bars and limiting gatherings have been sufficiently effective in controlling the spread of this virus.

For now, TNRMT, SEC and NGU offices remain open as usual. We have of course implemented common sense procedures to protect our employees and their families. We have provided our staff additional time from work to allow them to take care of personal matters and to check on relatives. We have pulled our field staff off the road for the next few weeks.

We do have contingency plans in place that we will implement should we have to elevate our response in the next few days or weeks. Should we decide or be forced to close our offices, our phones will be forwarded to our staff members home and/or cell phones and calls will be answered or returned immediately. E-mail and faxes will function as normal.

For more information, please contact one of the following:

Tom Montgomery, Safety Engineering and Claims Management:
Dr. Phillip Wallace, TNRMT Trust Administrator: