
TNRMT Provides WBL/LEA Coverage


In response to the work-based learning statue, Public Chapter No. 991 which became eff. 7-1-2018, TNRMT will provide additional coverages to meet our understanding of the requirements of this law.

These changes are: 1-extend Comprehensive General Liability coverage to include students who are actively participating in LEA approved work-based learning programs to the extent of requirements contained in Public Chapter 991 and 2-to include no-fault accident medical coverage for students who are actively participating in LEA approved work-based learning programs to the extent of the requirements of Public Chapter 991 as written or interpreted by appropriate authority and to the extent of limitations contained in TCA Title 29. All provisions of The Tennessee Governmental Tort Liability Act apply, including tort liability caps of $300,000/$700,000.

These steps are taken to provide complete risk management protection for TNRMT member schools to the exposures that this statute seems to be placing on Tennessee schools.

Below is a link to our position paper that further analyzes our concerns about the law. We will be striving over the next several weeks to clarify the impact of the law, including seeking an attorney general’s opinion.

Please provide a complete list of all students who are engaged in work-based learning, to include the following:

Name of student, age, name of work-based learning facility or employer, # of hours worked per week, duration of assignment, and whether or not the employer is providing workers compensation.

We anticipate a nominal charge per student engaged in work-based learning programs once we compile this underwriting information.

Submit this information to Betsey Sullivan at

Below is a copy of Public Chapter No. 991 as well as a sample TNRMT coverage certificate evidencing these coverages designed to satisfy the requirements of the statute. If an employer requests such a certificate, Betsey Sullivan will send one specific to your school system to you upon your request.

TNRMT Position: WBL

Public Chapter No 991

Sample WBL Certificate

Student List Form


John Evans
NGU Risk Management
Tom Montgomery
NGU Risk Management