
Tennesse Bullying Incident Makes National News

December, 2017
I realize that some of you may feel that I have inundated you ad nauseum about this topic. My apologies to you and to the many TNRMT members who have already taken advantage of the Stopit anti-bullying program.

However, once again a school bullying incident has made national news. This time it occurred in a Tennessee school. Perhaps this and many other incidents would have been avoided if Stopit had been in place.

Thousands of schools across our country covering over 2,000,000 students have found that the Stopit program is an excellent means to address this topical social issue. Bullying is a problem our schools are forced to address in order to provide a safe learning environment for our children, but also to avoid claims and lawsuits alleging perceived or real failure to address and prevent these incidents.

Obviously at TNRMT we believe wholeheartedly in the Stopit program. In conjunction with our insurance partner Great American we are proud to continue to subsidize the cost of this program.

I ask each of you to consider or re-consider implementing this program.

Below is a link to the Stopit/TNRMT web page which you can utilize to sign up. You may also contact Chris Salomon with Stopit Directly at 908 748-4522, or

For more information about Stopit, including a product tour, videos, and client testimonials, follow this link:

Use this link to enroll in Stopit:

As always, feel free to call me to discuss this program or any other matter.

Tom Montgomery
NGU Risk Management