
Of Computers, Shooters, and Marketing


We are all acutely aware of the recent Equifax hack as well as numerous other intrusions into our personal or business information systems. We are also aware of the mass shooting in Las Vegas and other terrible acts of terrorism as well as the events closer to home that involve intrusions into our daily routines and work responsibilities. Although no issue is greater than the senseless loss of precious lives in Las Vegas, each of these major intrusions bring such things to the forefront of our thoughts and prayers.

Each time one of these events takes place, leadership wants, first, to do something about the problem and, second, to contemplate how to prepare for a similar circumstance that may occur closer to home. We at NGU and TNRMT react in the same way to be sure the coverage enjoyed by our members is both appropriate and adequate to respond to such events. We evaluate our coverages constantly to determine if more or different coverage is needed considering the never-ending changes in our courts, our laws, our habits or our entire culture. We continue to be confident that TNRMT has the best and most comprehensive coverage at the best price of any available source for Tennessee governmental entities.

Someone in Washington D.C. once said, “never let a good crisis go to waste”, in thoughts of using any unfortunate situation and the resulting public outcry as opportunity. Likewise, TNRMT is constantly challenged by such opportunists. These organizations, vendors and marketers use these events or tragedies to enhance their success in offering a product or service to remedy a similar problem that could befall us in our own backyard.

We are quite sure most of our members have seen recent offers of coverage in the event of a mass shooting on your school or business premises or a product to neutralize the effect of a breach of your computer involving proprietary information regarding students or customers. Many of you have called and asked whether these insurance and risk management services were included with your TNRMT coverage. Your questions are generally prompted by others who have offered these coverages as an answer to the need to protect your entity from the acts and effects of the latest larceny or insanity of a cultural outlier.

We want to assure our members again that we have included coverage for the effects of the acts mentioned and lots of others for many years while we continue to make these coverages more appropriate and meaningful within these changing times. We ask you not to be complacent about your coverage but to be aware of the coverage you have while asking pertinent questions about your TNRMT coverage. Each time we have a question from one of our members, one or both of us learn from the conversation. You learn about your coverage and we learn what coverage and service you expect from us.

The next time someone puts one of their marketing folders or flyers in your hands or on your desk, give us a call and ask about whether you already have that coverage. Chances are better than 99% that you already have it in your TNRMT program. Almost nothing makes less sense than buying two of something of which you need only one.

John Evans
NGU Risk Management