
STOPIT Partnership Strong, Widely Accepted

February, 2016
Recently, the Hardeman County School System, along with the help of NGU, TNRMT, and STOPit, hosted a rally to promote the use of technology to combat bullying in schools.

The STOPit anti-bullying program utilizes a smartphone app that students, parents, and faculty can use to anonymously report and respond to bullying activity, as well as other types of delinquent behavior.

For more information about the rally, please visit the WBBJ website and the WBRC website:
NGU Risk Management and the Tennessee Risk Management Trust (TNRMT) are pleased to facilitate the STOPit program for our Tennessee schools. We encourage you to take a closer look at this solution. You can learn more and enroll at As a TNRMT member, this program is available at an annual cost of .69 cents per student. We recommend the program be made available to all middle and high school students. This cost will be billed upon enrollment of each school system on a pro-rata basis to 6-30-2016. To assist those school systems that do not have funding currently available, TNRMT will advance the cost of this pro-rata period to STOPit. TNRMT will bill the member the annual cost of the upcoming full year, 7-1-2016 to 6-30-2017, for all participant school systems who so elect, on their TNRMT renewal invoice next June.

If you have questions or wish to discuss this further prior to enrollment, please call:

Tom Montgomery, NGU Risk Management